Kundalini is raised in different manners for every person. If yoga practitioners force kundalini using Mahamudra, it may raise suddenly just like a snake hitting a thunderbolt. Sudden rise is risky because higher adharas are not open and kundalini may slip down to lower chakras. Sometimes it may damage the adharas and backbone also, this may cause physical and mental ailments. Other ways are 1 One will feel ant moving upward along the spine this method is safer 2 Bird hopping from one branch to another branch. This method is also safer. 3 Fish swimming in water upward direction this method is also safe If some want to make kundalini rise quickly it should be done under supervision of Guru.
Normally each aadhara is attached to one element and one Vayu. Muladhara has Earth element and Apana Vayu. Swadhistana has Water and Vyana vayu. Manipura has Fire element and Samana Vayu. Anahata has Air and Prana Vayu. Vishuddhi has Space and Udan Vayu. This main vayu’s will help in accession of kundalini just like ladder in snake ladder game. But assistant vayu pull down the kundalini as like snake in snake ladder game. Krigrana is assistant of udana in vishudhi chakra but connected to anhata, manipuraka swadhistana by nadi channels so when kundalini reaches vishudhi if udana is weak and assiatant vayu krigran is stronger it will not allow kundalini to rise above but it will push down the kundalini to lower chakras. At anahta if prana is weak and assistant vayu nagan is stronger it will not allow kundalini to rise above but it will push down kundalini to manipuraka and swadhistana. At swadhistana if vyana is weak and davdatta is stronger then it will not allow kundalini to rise above but it will push kundalini to muladhara.
Sri. Sivayogi sivarajan (Kundalini yoga secrets Kindle Edition by Sivayogi Sivarajan Author, details in book https://amzn.in/d/7KtXfoM)