The five elements are nothing but concretising of one and the same energy.
The energy at rest is called potential energy or static energy called Sivam.The energy at work is called kinetic energy or dynamic energy or para sakti.
When the five elements are heated they expand and finally disappear intospace energy. When the energy is cooled down it assumes mass. Thus air,fire water and earth comes into being. This matches with the theory of energy of Einstein.
The five elements dissolution
Earth stands for solid. If you heat solid it melts into liquid. The earth merges with water. So earth is one energy. 20 percent of the total energy. Liquid is now containing two elements. Now it is having 40 percent of the total energy.
If you heat liquid it will evaporate into gas..Now liquid absorbs heat and three elements are there in fire.Now 60 percent of the total energy is present in fire. Now four elements are there in air. Now 80 percent of the total energy is present in air , So far energy conversion took place. Einstein says energy can neither be created nor be destroyed but can be changed from one form to another. Now it happened here
Very informative blog